Tag: brain
Did Evolution Give Us Free Will?
If you pick up a book up about free will by a materialist, you are generally safe to assume that the point will be to explain that free will is an illusion.
Split-Brain Surgeries Reveal Reality of the Soul
This is not only the perennial teaching of the great religions, but the evidence of the best neuroscience.
Babies and Language: A Surprise Finding?
Brain and language specialist Eylem Altuntas told us last week that “Babies Learn Language Much Earlier Than We Thought.”
What Lies Beyond Death? A Physicist’s Take
The very existence of life — the fact that we are here at all to the pose the question — calls for something more than physical nature.
Neanderthals May Be “Same Species” As Us
Using coalescence analyses and molecular clock assessments, the researchers reconstructed a timeline of genetic events.