Tag: brain
We’ve Discovered “Covert Consciousness” — But Now What?
Creighton University Medical School prof Charles Camosy thinks it is time for something like a civil rights movement for people in this state.
What 1,000+ Brain Surgeries Taught About the Mind
Michael Egnor continues his discussion with Pat Flynn, noting that neither seizures nor Penfield’s brain stimulation provoked abstract thought.
Materialism Is a Totalistic Claim — Here’s Why That Matters
There are aspects of the mind that are not generated in the brain. That sounds like a modest claim.
How “Junk” DNA Got Its Function: Evolutionary Tales Fail to Convince
Earlier this year there was a flurry of stories about how “junk DNA” may explain why humans don’t have tails.
Research with Mice May Explain How the Placebo Effect Works
The mice had to be placed in a painful situation in order to trigger a placebo effect. With humans, it is often just a matter of communicating orally.