Tag: cnidarians
Fossil Friday: Are Ediacaran “Fishing Hooks” a Breakthrough Discovery of Precambrian Animals?
Let’s have a look at the newest edition of the Precambrian animal guessing game.
Let There Be Bioluminescence
Biological light switched on in the Cambrian — for what reason, evolutionists are not sure. It just happened, like all the other natural miracles.
From Bad to Worse for Darwinism, as New Cambrian Explosion Finds Arrive
Less time and more complexity are compressed into an impossible challenge for evolution.
Fossil Friday: Cloudina Still Lacks the Guts to Be a Worm
We intelligent design proponents make one successful prediction after another, while Darwinism’s track record of failed predictions grows ever longer.
“Lying on the Internet”? Debunking Dave Farina on Stephen Meyer
A lot of nonsense gets published in peer-reviewed journals and it needs expertise to separate the wheat from the chaff. Farina lacks any expertise to do this.