Tag: cochlea
Jonathan McLatchie on the Gift of Hearing
“It strains credulity, to suppose that an unguided process of random variation sifted by natural selection could assemble such a delicately arranged system.”
The Sense of Hearing Is a Masterpiece of Engineering
It strains credulity to suppose that an unguided process of random variation sifted by natural selection could assemble such a delicately arranged system.
Your Designed Body: Hearing Is a Symphony of Parts
The human ear can detect sound when the eardrum is displaced by as little as one-tenth the diameter of a single hydrogen atom.
Note to Thomists: The Ear Is a Reverse Piano
James Hudspeth, of Rockefeller University, just won the Norwegian Academy of Science’s Kavli Prize in science.
Some Proteins Act Almost Like Humans
We know they are just molecular machines, but some proteins appear to have uncanny abilities to sense a situation and make decisions.