Tag: compound eyes
Fossil Friday: Sea Scorpions Defy Darwinian Expectations
Wait, what? That’s it? Mere speculation based on the fact that they found nothing!
Sophisticated Precision in Fruit Fly Sensory Systems
Pause before you swat. The sensory systems of fruit flies that let them discern their surroundings look as if they had been engineered.
Fact Check: Hawaiian Silverswords Fail the Species Pair Challenge
Even though the differences appear superficially striking, they do not involve any novel body plans (i.e., no new proteins, new tissues, or new organs).
Look: On Thanksgiving, Be Grateful for the Intelligent Design of Your Eyes
They were quite the sudden, unanticipated gift in the history of life.
For Evolution, Monarch Butterfly Migration Is a Mystery
It typically takes up to three generations of butterflies to make the complete journey. This means that the navigation information is genetically programmed.