Tag: contingency
Ingenious Artistry in the Origin of Hummingbirds
In contrast with neo-Darwinism, I conclude that an absolutely ingenious artist was at work here, transcending all human abilities, ideas, and powers.
“Is Popperian Falsification Useful in Biology?”
A theory that “tolerates exceptions” is doing no work at all, simply wandering along behind the data like a puppy on a leash.
Aquinas’ Fourth Way: Light in a Mirror
It’s helpful, as with his Third Way, to begin with a metaphor, in order to get an intuitive feel for the proof.
Helpful Atheist Makes a Case for God
“If only Tiktaalik had inherited three pairs of stubby little old fins we’d be centaurs now.”
A “Facilitator” of the Intelligent Design Movement — Dembski Pays Tribute to His Father
He concludes with a link to the final scene from Babette’s Feast. If you watch it, or already know it, you’ll understand why.