Tag: corn
Learning to Love Industrial Farming
“Old MacDonald-style farms where soil is nurtured with love and animals have names rather than numbers may sound environmentally friendly.”
For Our Daily Bread, Thank Planetary Fine-Tuning
The existence of progenitor food crops (edible plants) on Earth was a necessary starting point for the availability of our food.
Brother, Can You Spare a Nickel? It’s Essential for Life, and Likely an Indicator of Intelligent Design
Nickel is an essential element in the human body, but too much is toxic. Here’s another element our planet had to provide.
Blurring the Line Between Natural and Artificial
As technology mimics nature, at what point might future investigators be unsure about natural versus intelligent causes?
Children of the Corn: A Reader Objects
“Grant me Zea, and I’ll evolve you corn” is a whole lot like Darwin saying, “Grant me a mudfish…” for the origin of Vertebrata.