Tag: Cosmos: Possible Worlds
When Cosmos Brought Pantheist-Atheist Mythology into the Open
Everything comes together in a message that includes a creation myth, a story of sin (ecological sin), a salvation story, and even resurrection and ascension.
Copernican Revolution Promoted Man’s Place in the Cosmos
In Copernicus’ day, the Earth was thought to be at the bottom of the universe, the “sump” where all the filth collected.
Neil Tyson Gets Ancient and Modern Medicine Wrong
Curiously, Tyson has a future, quasi-religious myth of his own to promote: personal immortality through futuristic technology.
From Cosmos: Possible Worlds — “Most Plausible” Creation Myths
Dr. Tyson’s imagination wanders from Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, to the Cambrian explosion.
Echoing the Bible, Cosmos Concludes with a Materialist Origins Myth and Future Heavenly Bliss
Tyson ends his summary of cosmic history with a soaring narrative focused on earth. It sounds like the exalted prose of the book of Genesis.