Tag: coyne
No Controversy? No Funding
Recently at ENV, Casey Luskin contributed a great (and disturbing) article about Ohio State evolutionary biologist Steve Rissing.
Evolutionary Biologist Jerry Coyne Goes All Scientistic
Even the firmest bits of scientific knowledge are socially constructed, incomplete and revisable.
Why Biomimicry Beats Engineering: The Case of Spider Silk
"Human engineering is adept at using more energy to solve problems. Nature does it through the use of better information."
Dr. Hedin’s Student Could Teach Ball State University a Thing or Two
Embattled physicist Eric Hedin must be doing something right because his student, this student, has become the teacher.
McLeroy Does it Again
Editor’s Note: This is crossposted at Cornelius Hunter’s blog, Darwin’s God. The much maligned Don McLeroy has a column in today’s Bryan-College Station Eagle. Recall that McLeroy has been accused of a host of nefarious deeds, including recklessly disregarding the advice of education experts, causing the Texas State Board of Education to be “extremely dysfunctional,” fueling endless culture wars, and putting ideology and partisanship ahead of the schoolchildren of Texas. So what does McLeroy have to say for himself? Well he starts right off with the ludicrous idea of teaching only science in science class. I can now see why everyone was so upset. McLeroy writes that there is no place for any ideology, religious or otherwise in science class. Read More ›