Tag: Edmond Kirsch
Courage, Courtesy, and the Origin of Life — Congratulations to Physicist Jeremy England
As Yale’s David Gelernter has said of Darwinism, to challenge it is to “take your life in your hands.”
#6 of Our Top Stories of 2017: Dan Brown Pushes Atheism and Intelligent Design. Wait…What?
Mr. Brown appears to have waded a little distance into the design debate. Will he go further?
Check Out These Surprising Early Reviews of A.N. Wilson’s Darwin Biography!
We’re still more than a month out from the U.S. release of Wilson’s Charles Darwin: Victorian Mythmaker.
Dan Brown’s New Novel Pushes Atheism and Endorses Intelligent Design. Wait…What?
“[C]odes do not occur naturally in the world….Codes are the deliberate inventions of intelligent consciousness.”
Dan Brown Thriller Has MIT’s Jeremy England in It; Brian Miller Puts the Science in Perspective
I’m reading Brown’s new Robert Langdon novel, Origin. There’s a decent chance you are too.