Tag: eye
Jay Richards on Babel, Berlinski, and “Science After Darwin”
Something really came undone in the Covid era. Now, the phrase “science says” or “doctors say” prompts a smirk from about half the population.
Convergence? One-Celled Creature Has an Eye!
“Convergent evolution” is not a process. It is a post-hoc observation based on evolutionary assumptions.
Kenneth Miller on Consciousness and Evolution
Despite Miller’s claims, neither human reason nor free will evolved because neither is generated by material processes.
Evolution’s Circular Web of Self-Referencing Literature
The formula goes like this: 1. Evolution is true. 2. Here’s how it must have happened. 3. Look, yet more proof of evolution.
Rosenhouse’s Whoppers: Probability Theory Is Irrelevant
If you deny that probabilities apply to a physical process, you’ve abjured science — you no longer have a scientific theory.