Tag: Günter Bechly
Answering Joshua Swamidass on Theistic Evolution: A Religious Agenda?
He defines himself as a Christian who affirms evolution, while also rejecting the name theistic evolutionist.
Correspondence: A Father, an Atheist Son, and Darwin Heretic Matti Leisola
The father had sent his son a copy of our book, urging him to read it so the two could discuss the evidence and arguments there.
Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design Expand Students’ Intellectual Horizons
A primary reason why many biologists never question the standard evolutionary model is their very limited training in mathematics.
New Bradley Center Launches; Will Consider Promise and Threat of Artificial Intelligence
The theme of the evening was framed by a question: “Will the Machines Take Over? Human Uniqueness in the Age of Smart Machines.”
This Critter Is Named for Günter Bechly
The photo above is another species of the same genus that Dr. Bechly established in 2007.