Tag: Harvard University
As Science Observes, Talk of Evolution Fades
Another point worthy of note: the more sophistication that is found in biological engineering, the more scientists want to imitate it.
Biologist Michael Levin: A Farewell to Physicalism
Levin proposes a “radical Platonist view in which some of the causal input into mind and life originates outside the physical world.”
Darwin, Kinsey, and Stockholm Syndrome Christianity
Perhaps the figure most responsible for the breakdown of traditional sexual ethics in Western culture was a Harvard-trained evolutionary zoologist.
Did Darwin Banish Teleology from Nature or Not?
James G. Lennox quotes from an 1862 essay, where Darwin wrote that “the final cause of all this mimicry” among butterflies is evading predation.
Non-Evolution of the Wet Dog Shake
Common things can become extraordinary when examined by science. In this research, evolutionists need not apply.