Tag: humankind
Fossil Friday: Human Nature of Neanderthals Supported Again
Extended caregiving for a strongly disabled child is a highly non-Darwinian behavior that indeeds suggests compassion on a level only found in humans.
In His New Book, Denton Shows How Science Leads the Charge to Theism
In his new book, Michael Denton is particularly strong on what he terms “the post-Copernican delusion of mankind’s cosmic irrelevance.”
Nature Rights: A Lake in Florida Sues
For a certain class of journalists, practical concerns are of little consequence — or perhaps, just not as much fun to write about.
The Stars Above Us
What Lucretius once termed in the widest sense “the nature of things” is no respecter of modern scientific conventions.
Darwin and Race: Three Strikes, He’s Out
February is Black History Month, and this week, Friday, February 12, is Darwin Day — the birthday of Charles Darwin.