Tag: humans
As a Cudgel Against Human Exceptionalism, Researchers Push for Bonobo “Theory of Mind”
Is it true that “recognizing when someone else lacks information” has been thought to be a distinctly human trait?
How Evolutionists Overlook Signatures of Design — The Case of Koalas
I note and discuss an astounding case of convergence between humans and koalas, “the only non-primates with fingerprints.”
Cat Versus Baby Intelligence: A Comparison
Cat intelligence is of a rather different kind from dog intelligence (to say nothing of human intelligence).
Human Evolution by the Numbers: Chatbot Weighs In
The Darwinian story of human evolution from an ape-like creature is probably the most powerful modern secular myth.
Science Writing Tries to Smash Human Exceptionalism
Stone tool use among animals versus the Stone Age provides a useful illustration of the tendency.