Tag: humans
Here’s the Other Common Objection to Intelligent Design — Answered
If you asked me, “Do you believe in evolution?” I would reply “I believe in the evolution of life, and the evolution of automobiles.”
Daniel Dennett: The Final Prophet?
Dennett’s approach to human consciousness has not only borne no fruit but it is hard to see how it ever could.
In Unexpected Attack, Activists Deface Charles Darwin’s Tomb
Activists with Just Stop Oil seem to be attempting to enlist Darwin’s modern-day followers in their environment cause.
Neanderthals May Be “Same Species” As Us
Using coalescence analyses and molecular clock assessments, the researchers reconstructed a timeline of genetic events.
No. 7 Story of 2024: Study of Water Fleas Found No Evidence of Evolution
After many generations, water fleas showed no evidence of changing genetically to adapt to their environment, as the theory would predict.