Tag: humans
Do Animals Really “Take Revenge”?
The true tale of an Amur tiger hunting down and killing his hunter in 1997 is among the best attested of these stories.
Longevity as Evidence of Original Design
A general principle for any designed system is that it functions optimally when it is used or able to perform in the way it was originally designed.
New Research: Stuart Burgess Demonstrates the Exquisite Engineering of Human Limbs
Burgess’s research represents yet another nail in the coffin of the standard evolutionary model.
Why Should a Baby Live?
My title is adapted from a 2012 article by two philosophers, Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva.
Decade-Long Study of Water Fleas Found No Evidence of Darwinian Evolution
After many generations, water fleas showed no evidence of changing genetically to adapt to their environment, as the theory would predict.