Tag: intelligent evolution
Alfred Wallace and the Impact of Labor on Evolutionary Theory
The two founders of evolutionary theory, Wallace and Darwin, came from very different backgrounds.
Alfred Russel Wallace’s Bicentennial Year: A Cause for Celebration and for Sadness
All the hyperbole shows the fix is in — Wallace has been made safe for scientism and Darwinian reductionism. The academy can breathe easy.
Alfred Russel Wallace’s Greatest Journey
Alfred Russel Wallace took a journey Darwin could not follow. He went from natural selection to natural theology.
Intelligent Design and Alfred Russel Wallace’s Intelligent Evolution — Different Yet the Same
If any modern ID proponent fits the Wallacean model it is biologist Michael Behe.
A “Prepared Mind” for Alfred Russel Wallace
Although Wallace receded into the deep recesses of my memory, I had what Pasteur called “the prepared mind.”