Tag: iPhones
Artificial General Intelligence: Destroying the Idol
Even those doing the most to build and publicize the AGI idol do not wish it on their children.
Yes, Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence — Let’s Hear Some for Darwinian Evolution
Carl Sagan famously said, “I believe that the extraordinary should be pursued. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”
A “Lush” World Defies Materialist Explanations, as Behe and Denton Confirm
Conditions on Earth, the laws of physics, are not only fine-tuned for the survival of intelligent beings, they are fine-tuned for the development of technology.
Get Involved: Help Harness Science Uprising
You have probably watched friends or family members give themselves up to materialism. It’s heartbreaking, and to see it happen can leave us feeling powerless.
Vindicated by Behe: Devolution Is Natural, Evolution Is Not
You do not need to study mutations for thirty years to predict that bombarding plant chromosomes with radiation will not lead to major agricultural advances.