Tag: Irreducible Complexity
Artificial Intelligences Promises to Level the Playing Field for Intelligent Design
To set the stage, I posed some questions about scientific testability in general and about the testability of the SETI research program.
Powers Ontology: Overcoming the Limits of Reductionist Materialism
Reductionism is a method for understanding something by minimizing it to a very simple level that can be restricted to abstract language.
“Irreducible Complexity” in the News
In a loose sense, America may be “irreducibly complex” but NPR sure is not. And “diverse”? America is, but NPR certainly isn’t.
Is Complexity an Argument Against Design?
Often these claims that “no designer would have done it that way” dissolve on closer inspection.
Michael Behe: A Mousetrap for Darwin
The Lehigh University biochemist answers misconceptions about irreducible complexity, and responds to the claim that “molecular machines” is a misnomer.