Tag: knowledge
An Ape with Evolution on His Mind
“Are you familiar with the concept of evolution?” asks the ape leader who is bent on raising himself to the level of the human.
The War on 2 + 2 = 4
The people weighing in against 2 + 2 = 4 are not mathematicians but in education departments where they teach the teaching of mathematics.
“Lived Experience” Is Science’s Blind Spot
They are right about the dead ends. But is it true that the dead ends result merely from ignoring human experience?
Memories Are Not “Stored” in the Brain; Here’s Why
It doesn’t make any sense to talk about the “storage” of non-physical entities. Philosophers like to call that a “category error.”
Stifling Opposition Is the Real “Anti-Science”
In the Great Barrington Declaration, three noted epidemiologists questioned the wisdom of societal shutdowns and keeping children out of school.