Tag: Louis Agassiz
Gould’s God-Talk: Is the Panda’s Thumb Incompatible with ID?
Stephen Jay Gould was renowned as a paleontologist, not as a theologian. Yet perhaps his most iconic argument is theological in nature.
Notes on the Mysterious Origin of Hippos
The family Hippopotamidae appears abruptly in the fossil record — like all the other groups that I have so far investigated in detail.
Healthy Debate? No Thanks, Says National Association of Biology Teachers
One way mainstream science seeks to stifle opposition is by simply refusing to discuss or debate opposing views.
Shelley, Darwin, and the 19th-Century God Debate
The poet Percy Bysshe Shelley threw down the gauntlet for what was effectively to become the great Victorian dispute about religious faith.
Joseph L. Graves as the “Black Darwin”? Think Again
Darwin could never be considered the kind of anti-racist activist Graves makes him out to be.