Tag: Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
Do Plant Galls Falsify Darwinism?
Charles Darwin was profoundly interested in plant galls, and Darwin himself proposed the challenge these and other forms may pose to his ideas.
Listen: Mendel vs. Darwin
Unfortunately, acceptance of Darwinism hindered acceptance of Gregor Mendel’s great insights.
Intelligent Design, Ahead of Its Time: More on W. E. Lönnig’s 1971 Thesis
In his youth, Dr. Lönnig bravely opposed dogma that was almost universally accepted and perilous to question.
Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig: An Intelligent Design Pioneer
Darwinism sounds superficially plausible until one looks at real plants and animals with their irreducibly complex details.
Lesson from a Carnivorous Plant
The aquatic bladderwort lacks the charm of a rose, a lily, cherry blossoms, or many other plants you can think of, but it has something else to recommend it.