Tag: Max Planck Institute
Who (or What) First Used Tools?
It’s not stone tool use that is exclusive to humans; vultures can do that too. It’s the ability to form abstract ideas.
New Paper on the Panda’s Thumb: “Striking Imperfection or Masterpiece of Engineering?”
“If the panda’s thumb is an embodiment of bad design, where are the evolutionists’ proposals indicating how they could have done better?”
Copper Reveals Its Role in Exploding Plants — and in the Miracle of Man
The exploding pods of the popping cress send the plant’s seeds flying in all directions, as far as a meter from the parent.
Brain Neurons Are “Comparable to a Library”
It’s one of those occasions in biology (not rare) when the term “intelligent design,” despite other merits, falls flat as a description.
Abstract: Lönnig on Darwin’s “Abominable Mystery”
All orders and families of the angiosperms appear abruptly in the fossil record (the same for most lower systematic categories).