Tag: meaning
When Alfred Russel Wallace Spoke to Me
I had what Pasteur called “the prepared mind” to take in what Wallace had to tell me.
“The Activity of a Cell Is Like That of a Factory”
It is always interesting to see how observations that we have been making for years are now a part of the general chatter.
John West: How Evolution Drained Meaning from Nature
if you are not among the 600,000+ people who have seen the multiple award-winning documentary Human Zoos, from Discovery Institute and Dr. West, find it here.
A Darwinist Deconstructs the Declaration of Independence
Yuval Noah Harari quickly gets down to business, unsentimentally shredding Jefferson’s noble phrases.
Evolutionist Responds to Eric Metaxas on the “Meaning” Question
“If you actually believe we evolved out of the primordial soup and through happenstance got here, by accident, then our lives literally have no meaning.”