Tag: Michael Keas
Clever Move — Cosmos Pushes Pantheism
Easier for slipping it into the public schools! It won’t alarm the parents nearly as much as an all-out siege on theism. Very clever, Dr. Tyson.
Cosmos Franchise Loses Viewers, While Pumping for Materialism
Perhaps partly because the world is preoccupied by COVID-19, a lot fewer people so far have seen the new Cosmos.
Charles Darwin vs. Richard Owen on Race
Unlike Darwin, Owen believed that evolution was guided by teleology or purpose, and he saw humans as different from animals not only in degree but in kind.
Cosmos 3.0 with Neil deGrasse Tyson Arrives Tonight at 8 PM, Somewhat Dented
The second season (2014) spun a misleading narrative celebrating the triumph of rational, secular scientific culture over benighted, supposedly irrational and anti-science religion.
Historian and Nature’s Prophet Author Michael Flannery Reviews the Reviewers
A.R. Wallace was the co-discoverer of the theory of evolution by natural selection along with Charles Darwin, but in 1869 he broke with Darwin.