Tag: microbes
Watch: Michael Behe Corrects Darwin’s Detour with a Cumulative Case for Intelligent Design
For thousands of years, the design of life was acknowledged by scientists and non-scientists, philosophers and physicians, religious and non-religious.
Get a Load of This Souped-Up Hyperdrive Magnetotactic Bacterium
“MO-1 is a magnetotactic bacterium capable of orienting its cell body along the geomagnetic field lines by using magnetosomes.”
Existential Implications of the Miller-Urey Experiment
Words, even meaningless words, have the power to create their own virtual realities in our minds.
Microbe Performs Rocket Science, Vital for Life on Earth
This little machine, which also knows how to recycle and reuse all its parts in a sustainable “green” way, keeps the nitrogen in balance for the whole planet.
Why Researchers Focus on Possible Life on Venus
Chemicals that we shouldn’t find unless they are produced by life forms are sparking interest in exploring Venus from both public and private sources.