Tag: microfossils
Fossil Friday: Ediacaran Animal Embryos Put to Test and Put to Rest
There are no fossil animals in the Ediacaran, when they should be found according to the gradualistic predictions of Darwinian evolution.
Fossil Friday: The Gupta Scandal
The greatest scientific fraud of the 20th century is not so well known outside of professional paleontologist circles.
“Lying on the Internet”? Debunking Dave Farina on Stephen Meyer
A lot of nonsense gets published in peer-reviewed journals and it needs expertise to separate the wheat from the chaff. Farina lacks any expertise to do this.
Origin of Life: Saved by Time?
Many materialists believe that the severe unlikelihood of the series of events required for the origin of life is not a serious problem.
First Animals? Fossils Won’t Fit Cambrian Evolution
Evolutionists are still fighting over the first animals. Each new fossil creates new questions, but there is one constant: bluffing that Darwinism is true.