Tag: missing link
Fossil Friday: Hagfish and Lampreys Overturn Scenarios of Vertebrate Phylogeny and Evolution
Their fossil record as well as their incongruent pattern of anatomical similarities is better explained by intelligent design.
Fossil Friday: Is the Four-Legged Snake Tetrapodophis a Missing Link or Not?
There should have existed transitional forms, which exhibit at least some typical features of basal snake anatomy.
Fossil Friday: To Be or Not to Be Homo
The fossil hominin Homo habilis was described 1964 by Louis Leakey and his colleagues from the 1.9 million year old Olduvai Gorge locality in Tanzania.
Researchers: Neanderthals Invented Process to Produce Birch Tar
The tar can be used for glue, bug repellent, and killing germs. This finding tracks growing recognition of Neanderthals as intelligent.
Fossil Friday: Darwinius, or How Wishful Thinking Makes a Missing Link
The media campaign lead to headlines that were not content with calling the fossil a missing link but simply “THE link” or “the eighth wonder of the world.”