Tag: Molecular Biology and Evolution
Case Study Inadvertently Shows Why Universal Common Descent Is Untestable
Sooner or later, onlookers will realize that UCD is actually bankrupt. UCD doesn’t pay its bills, because it can’t.
Oxford Journal: “The Days of ‘Junk DNA’ Are Over ”
Since project ENCODE provoked outrage among evolutionary biologists over a decade ago, there has been a concerted campaign to defend the notion of junk DNA.
First Animals? Fossils Won’t Fit Cambrian Evolution
Evolutionists are still fighting over the first animals. Each new fossil creates new questions, but there is one constant: bluffing that Darwinism is true.
Response to Swamidass: Rats, Mice, and Discrepant Molecular Clocks
Molecular clocks are a relatively simple concept.
Adam and the Genome and “Nonfunctional” Pseudogenes
Venema cites the vitellogenin pseudogene as supposedly demonstrating common ancestry between humans and birds, such as chickens.