Tag: money
Origin of Life Challenge: $10 Million, Just Lying Around
This is an obvious way to judge such theories. If someone claims to know how to make something, the natural response is, “Let’s see it, then.”
Weaponizing Science, Journals Indulge in Political Partisanship
I would say the same thing if they abused the name of science to wrap a Republican, or a Democrat, in it.
Life with Screens: A Novelist’s Prophetic Warning
David Foster Wallace foresaw the rise of the Internet and its pantheon of seductions.
Joana Xavier, Skepticism About Design, and a Fable About a Gray Parrot with an iPad
Xavier, of University College London, is a young origin-of-life researcher who has steadily pursued questions of central importance.
New Book Offers a Fresh Test for Human Origins: Explain Your Own Body
Whatever other challenges it may introduce in our lives, money has this virtue: it doesn’t lie.