Tag: natural theology
What Ever Happened to Darwin’s Big Book?
Why didn’t Darwin publish the evidence for his momentous theory? And why was his thesis hailed as one of the greatest ideas in science despite that fact?
On Natural Theology and Natural Revelation
The nihilist sense of our having been involuntarily flung into the midst of some unchoreographed theatre of the absurd is swiftly offset,
Meyer and Klavan: The Tradition of British Natural Theology
As luck would have it, Dr. Meyer joined the conversation from a very special city.
Did Christianity Help or Hinder the Rise of Science?
Melissa Cain Travis explains why her new course gives special attention to the “warfare thesis,” a late-19th-century idea championed by materialists.
Atheist Philosopher Explains Why Intelligent Design Is Not a “God of the Gaps” Argument
Despite our many disagreements, I sincerely appreciate Lowder’s spirit and intellectual honesty. I hope the next generation of secular thinkers follow his lead.