Tag: Nature Reviews Genetics
Does the Scientific Evidence Support Evolutionary Models of Human Origins?
The fossil record shows a break between the australopithecines, supposedly directly ancestral to our genus, and the first humanlike members of the genus.
Does Darwinian Theory Make the Same Predictions as Intelligent Design?
Richard Dawkins predicted that “a large fraction” of our genomes has no function, because, “The true ‘purpose’ of DNA is to survive, no more and no less.”
Lessons Not Learned from the Evangelical Debate over Adam and Eve
To his credit, William Lane Craig is among those evangelicals who have been willing to question arguments against Adam and Eve.
Pseudogenes Aren’t Nonfunctional Relics that Refute Intelligent Design
These claims represent a classic but false “junk DNA” argument against intelligent design.
Pseudogenes Are Going the Way of Darwin’s “Rudimentary Organs”
Long described as useless leftovers of evolution, pseudogenes are rising from the junk pile as functional entities.