Tag: neurons
What’s the Big Deal About the Human Brain?
None of the features identified by neuroscientists explain why humans think about things that other animal life forms don’t.
Design, Engineering, Specified Complexity: Appreciating the Fruit Fly Brain
Groundbreaking new research has documented the complexity and design of the brains of fruit flies.
Water Is a Problem, and Your Body Has an Ingenious Solution
The sodium-potassium pump is an innovation that allows your cells to combat the forces of nature and in doing so, prevents disaster.
We’ve Discovered “Covert Consciousness” — But Now What?
Creighton University Medical School prof Charles Camosy thinks it is time for something like a civil rights movement for people in this state.
Wrap Your Mind Around the Synapse — Just Try
The method neurons use to transfer signals seems like a kludge. But it works astonishingly fast and efficiently.