Tag: offspring
Robot Evolution? How the Trick Is Done
Some evolutionists still don’t get it. You can’t design something for a purpose and call it Darwinism.
Why Epigenetics Contradicts Evolutionary Theory
Epigenetic mechanisms are ubiquitous in biology. Because of epigenetics, organisms with otherwise identical genes (e.g., twins) can be quite different.
Birds Have a Remarkable Gift for Deceit
The birds themselves are not agents making a moral choice to deceive; they are carrying out a behavior pattern they have inherited.
To Say the Least, Altruism Is Not an Easy Fit with Darwinism
Evolutionists have made some progress (they think) explaining such things with theories of group selection or kin selection.
Woo-hoo! In Science Review of Darwin Devolves, Lenski Has No Response to My Main Argument
In a few days I will offer a detailed rebuttal. But here is the overwhelmingly important point to notice right up front.