Tag: Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley, Darwin, and the 19th-Century God Debate
The poet Percy Bysshe Shelley threw down the gauntlet for what was effectively to become the great Victorian dispute about religious faith.
A Wordsworthian Disciple: William Hale White
Many reported being “converted” to a Wordsworthian view of the world after reading him.
Materialist Science as Paternalistic Propaganda
Any attempt to demonstrate the sheer untenability of Darwinian postulates is just met with an ever-closer circling of the wagons.
Nothing New Under the Sun
The inference to a First Cause has begun to percolate down to people who hold no prior allegiance to any of the world’s accredited religions.
Myths, Monsters, and Life’s Elusive First Step
The notion that the building blocks of life were easily gotten may have seemed intuitive to journalists and others acquainted with Mary Shelley’s novel.