Tag: Phillip E. Johnson
No Success Without Successors: John Mark Reynolds on the Legacy of Phillip E. Johnson
Reynolds says he saw in Johnson a mind constant and relentless in the pursuit of truth.
Darwinism and Intelligent Design in Poland
I told the staff of En Arche that the foundation reminded me of Discovery Institute twenty years ago.
Ann Gauger Honors Intelligent Design’s “Godfather”
Dr. Gauger tells how Phillip Johnson emboldened her to give free rein to a healthy scientific skepticism.
Neo-Darwinism and the Big Bang of Man’s Origin
Proponents of the ruling theory tell us that we are all undoubtedly intelligent enough to fully grasp their theory, as long as we concur with it.
Surprises in Cell Codes Reveal Information Goes Far Beyond DNA
Information is the stuff of life. Not limited to DNA, information is found in most biomolecules in living cells.