Tag: Purpose & Desire
Best Books of the Year — Discovery Institute Takes Honors in World Magazine’s “Origins” Category
The year’s top “best” book is Tom Bethell’s Darwin’s House of Cards (Discovery Institute Press).
Purpose and Desire Meets Jerry Coyne: The Evolution of Homeostasis?
Consider one of the simplest kinds of homeostasis — just one part of the regulation of sugar metabolism in E coli.
Scott Turner on Biology’s Hobson’s Choice – Time Running Out on Pre-publication Deal!
“The phrase is said to have originated with Thomas Hobson (1544–1631), who offered customers the choice of either taking the horse in his stall nearest to the door or taking none at all.”
Biologist J. Scott Turner’s Rediscovery – How Darwinism Fatally Overlooks What Life Is
Intellectual discovery is often a matter of rediscovery: reviving insights that were available before but overlooked, forgotten, or neglected.