Tag: Racism
Apollo 8 and Intelligent Design, Then and Now
Half a century ago, as 1968 came to a close, one event brought people together not only in America but also around the globe.
“Social Justice” Inflates to Include Animals
An article published in Biological Conservation illustrates environmentalism’s metastasizing misanthropy.
Documentary Human Zoos Is Screened at Detroit’s African-American History Museum
The film tells how thousands of indigenous peoples were put on public display in America in what scholars today call “human zoos.”
Rewriting Human Origins, Ongoing in East Asia
The reason all these new discoveries are so noteworthy is not because they represent the usual progress of science.
On Science, Morality, and Wonder, an Atheist Rebukes Other Atheists
An image offered by Einstein, of the sublimely mysterious library, is sensitive and beautiful.