Tag: Richard Lenski
Behe on Darwin’s Finches — A Really, Really Long-Term Evolution Experiment
Of course finches don’t multiply and cycle through generations as rapidly as bacteria. Still, these birds have been isolated on the iconic islands for some 2 million years.
Thanks, Professor Lenski, the LTEE Is Doing Great!
Lenski agrees that the beneficial mutations seen in his Long Term Evolution Experiment are overwhelmingly degradative or loss-of-function ones.
For Seattle Intelligent Design Education Day, This Teacher Had a Brilliant Idea
It would simplify things if evolutionists were more willing to engage in face-to-face dialogue with their ID counterparts
A Response to My Lehigh Colleagues, Part 3
Perhaps the evidence for the vast scope of Darwin’s theory really isn’t as strong as biologists over the years have been telling each other.
A Response to My Lehigh Colleagues, Part 1
Their review pretty much completely misses the mark. Nonetheless, it is a good illustration of how sincere-yet-perplexed professional evolutionary biologists view the data.