Tag: Science Magazine
Will an Engineering Paradigm Supplant Darwinism?
Its summer of dominance after neo-Darwinism arose and conquered every field of biology led to an autumn of colorful just-so stories, and now a Narnian rule.
For Beauty, Pleasure, and More, Intelligent Design Expects Non-Essential Genes
In past years, papers have tried to identify the subset of all genes in a genome that are essential for viability.
Not Oparin’s Coacervates Again!
After Oparin’s coacervate theory was presented in the 1920s, it was dismissed as unworkable. Now, coacervates are back in style.
Michael Behe, Biochemist and Superhero, Was Live at Seattle Center; See It Now!
John West appropriately introduced Dr. Behe as the “archetypal mild-mannered professor” who “helped provoke a revolutionary debate.”
Origin of Long-Distance Running — More Evolution by Breaking Things
A central problem for theories of unguided evolution has always been the challenge of building complex biological novelties.