Tag: scientific racism
Following the Science, Doctors Joined the Nazis “In Droves”
There is a tendency to sanctify the medical profession, with the white coat serving as an icon of wisdom, compassion, and morality.
Students Sue School District for $12 Million Over “Monkey See” Photos
“There can’t be any question about what they meant. Remember, this is a zoology class. Evolution is taught.”
Human Zoos — How “Science” Fueled the Racial Fire
Where did many white people of the past get the wicked idea that their lives matter more than black lives?
Darwinism and “No Lives Matter”
While most evolutionists today reject scientific racism, with exceptions like James Watson — they have no necessary reason for doing so.
Elk Goes Down; Darwin Breathes a Sigh of Relief
What is the evolutionary argument against unapologetic racism and the supremacy of whatever race can climb to the top?