Tag: slavery
Beware of the “Right to Health”
Health and wellness are becoming the primary justifications for international technocracy, or “rule by experts.”
Dead Pets: PETA’s Astonishing Kill Rate
PETA’s leadership may believe that some animals are better off dead than adopted by households that are non-vegan.
From Political Scientist John West: Intelligent Design’s Reverse Chameleon-ism
Our colleague John West has a handsome new website with many useful features, but I was particularly intrigued by the section headed, “Something Personal.”
Slavery and the Image of God
America is the only country on Earth to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of its own citizens in a war to end slavery.
Robert Shedinger: Darwin’s Sacred Cause Is “Historical Fiction”
The effect of the book is to misrepresent Darwin in such a way as to make those who reject Darwinism appear to be opposing a saintly anti-abolitionist.