Tag: social media
Darwin Day Is Here! Discover the Cell’s Secrets with Michael Behe
Today, for the birthday of Charles Darwin, celebrated around the world as Darwin Day, Discovery Institute is proud to launch a new, five-part video series.
Slouching Toward a “Brave New World”
Genetic engineering could unleash a deadly pandemic or lead to a “new eugenics” with very sharp teeth.
For #GivingTuesday, Help Michael Behe Demonstrate that Darwin Devolves
In the first chapter, Behe the Darwin skeptic throws a curve ball. The neo-Darwinian mechanism did create the polar bear from the brown bear, he announces.
Scott Adams and Rule by Algorithms
He doesn’t mean there won’t be humans in the Oval Office in the future, but that the power behind the power will be AI. Is it true?
The “We Are Too Right to Debate” Folly
Global-warming public intellectuals have warned the media that if they allow skeptics to have a voice in stories, they will boycott giving comment.