Tag: UFOs
‘Oumuamua Revisited: Prospect of Intelligent Aliens Puts Materialists in a Pickle
A mysterious oblong object, ‘Oumuamua, was observed a couple of years ago, transiting across the Solar System.
Unbelievable — ET and the Futuristic Myth of a Material God
Here is a myth that comes not from the past but from the future.
Evidence of ETs? Delightful! Bring It On
Never fear: whatever our purely hypothetical response to a purely hypothetical event, it can be reconciled with evolution.
Can the Rot of Naturalism Be Stopped? Relating Information to Matter and Energy Might Help
A New Yorker obit for naturalist atheist philosopher Jerry Fodor noted Fodor’s dismissal of the “natural selection” cult but, surprisingly, did not offer polite contempt.
How Naturalism Morphed into a State Religion
No threat to science today is in any way comparable to that posed by the state church of post-modern naturalism.