Tag: universe
Stephen Meyer and Spencer Klavan on the Book of Nature: Is There an Author?
Intelligent design was the default scientific understanding of nature and the cosmos — until the hostile takeover by Darwinian materialism.
When Natural and Super-Natural Explanations Work Hand in Hand
Methodological naturalism is the idea that scientists may only invoke unintelligent causes for nature’s history.
Watch It Now: Tour and Cronin at Harvard
Above all, major props to Lee Cronin for showing up at all. That took courage. He earns my admiration.
As a Physics Professor, I Can Tell You: Wisdom Transcends Intelligent Design
The fine-tuning of the physical parameters, forces, and laws of nature could hardly have been established by a bottom-up approach.
Despite Fine-Tuning, Roger Penrose Is “Agnostic” About Intelligent Design
The slightest changes in almost any of the basic parameters of nature would have led to a universe without stable stars or without stars at all.