Tag: weather
Saturn’s Moon Titan as a Habitability Test
It’s called one of the most earthlike environments in the solar system with an atmosphere and organic molecules. How does it measure up compared to Earth?
The Joy of Purposeful Solar Eclipses
Intelligent design advocates have more fun at eclipses, knowing they are not just coincidental. That was certainly my experience on April 8.
A Portal to the Heavens: Preparing for the Solar Eclipse
While this is not a science experiment per se, be sure to talk with people soon after totality and note commonalities in what you hear.
Thoughts of Evil in a Designed World
Nowhere in the animal world do we see evil that comes anywhere close to comparing with the unfortunate depths of evil displayed by humanity.
Geoengineering on an Intelligently Designed Planet — Let’s Be Careful with That
Scientists are still discovering how many systems, controls, and other aspects of planetary fine-tuning are in place to ensure that we have abundant life.