Tag: Wilder Penfield
What Does Your Brain Do? And What Can It Not Do?
A surprising result of pioneering neurosurgery was the discovery that some mental processes could be stimulated in the brain but others could not be.
What 1,000+ Brain Surgeries Taught About the Mind
Michael Egnor continues his discussion with Pat Flynn, noting that neither seizures nor Penfield’s brain stimulation provoked abstract thought.
Dualism and Materialism in Modern Neuroscience
Wilder Penfield concluded that free will is not in the brain — it is an immaterial power of the mind.
If Materialists Are Right About the Brain, Why No “Morality Seizures”?
“There are no intellectual seizures, which is odd, given that large regions of the brain are presumed by neuroscientists to serve intellectual thought.”
Fine-Tuning, Free Will — Now We’ve Got Two Challenges for Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder
She acknowledges that she is speaking from outside one relevant field. Can you really use physics to deny free will while ignoring neuroscience?