Intelligent Design
Access Research Network Lists the Top 10 Darwin and Design Resources for 2009
Since the close of 2009, Access Research Network (ARN) has released its Top 10 Darwin and Design Science News Stories for 2009 and its Top 10 Media Stories for 2009 (covered recently on the ID the Future podcast — see part 1 and part 2). Now ARN has released its list of the top 10 ID resources for 2009. At the top of the list is Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design. Meyer was not the only Discovery Institute fellow to make ARN’s top 10 resource list. Michael Flannery’s innovative book, Alfred Russel Wallace’s Theory of Intelligent Evolution, and David Berlinski’s long-awaited The Deniable Darwin also made the list.
But there were also a number of excellent resources from authors and groups not affiliated with Discovery Institute. Coming in at second place is Illustra Media’s new documentary, Darwin’s Dilemma: The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Record. Another good resource that makes it very high on ARN’s list (#3) is Bradley Monton’s book, Seeking God in Science: An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design. You read that right–Monton is an atheist who finds many ID arguments highly persuasive. Another recommended resource from a new author in the ID-evolution debate is doctor and author James Le Fanu’s book Why Us? How Science Rediscovered the Mystery of Ourselves. We released podcasts with Drs. Monton and Le Fanu last year about their respective books–check out ID the Future to hear the interviews.
Finally, I was quite pleased that two resources I wrote made ARN’s top 10 list. Coming in at number 9 is a law review article published in Hamline University Law Review last year–an attempted exhaustive survey of evolution case law and titled, “Does Challenging Darwin Create Constitutional Jeopardy? A Comprehensive Survey of Case Law Regarding the Teaching of Biological Origins.” We’ve been recounting many of the cases surveyed in that article here on ENV over the past couple months. At number 10 is a lesser-known resource that I’ve nonetheless been getting some positive feedback on — The College Student’s Back to School Guide to Intelligent Design, a concise FAQ rebutting many common objections that college (or high school) students are likely to hear from their uninformed professors about intelligent design.
Be sure to check out ARN’s Top 10 page to read the lists in full and get links to all of their recommended resources.