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“Bad Design” or “Natural Evil”? Upcoming Event at Biola University, January 26-27

Biola University

In addition to questions of science, debates over Darwinian theory raise a number of thorny philosophical, ethical, and theological issues. An upcoming meeting of the Christian Scientific Society at Biola University in Southern California will explore one of them, the existence of “natural evils,” sometimes characterized by evolutionists as “bad design.” Speakers will include Discovery Institute Fellows Michael Keas and Cornelius Hunter. More information is here.

The dates are Friday and Saturday, January 26-27, and there is a meeting registration fee of $35 for full and associate members of the Christian Scientific Society, or $50 for non-members. Admission for students is free. You can register here. If you are in the area, please join us for a weekend of thought-provoking discussion.

Photo: Bell tower, Biola University, by Stacy Eltiti (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons.