Culture & Ethics
Free Speech
The Technocratic Authoritarians Still Want Their “Pandemic Treaty”

The response to Covid in our own country was a horror show in many states, including my own. There were the lockdowns, the evisceration of our constitutional right to free assembly, the closed schools and the turn to disastrous “online learning” from which many young people still haven’t recovered, vaccine mandates, life-threatening vaccine injuries, the fearmongering, the lies about “misinformation,” the demonizing of dissenters, and all the rest.
I remember walking on a park trail by my house as neighbors passed by in masks. They literally turned their back on me, to shame me, as I went by because I wasn’t wearing one — outside! And the craziness continues, as I still to this day see neighbors driving alone in their car or walking the dog, alone, wearing a damn mask. We could so easily go back to all of that.
A Bright Idea
Hey, here’s a bright idea. Wouldn’t it all have gone a lot better if, instead of our fellow Americans doing it to us, we’d handed over national sovereignty to an international body to make pandemic-related decisions for us?
Even to pose the question feels like madness, and yet putting it in the power of the World Health Organization (WHO) director-general to decide when our country faces a “pandemic emergency” and what to do about it has been, and still is being, seriously considered. This past May at the World Health Assembly, a “pandemic treaty” was averted but they are not going to stop pushing for one. Wesley J. Smith reminds me, “WHO depends on pandemics for money and power. Even tropical diseases are called pandemics to get money and power.” He cut through the bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo and detailed some of the consequences of handing policy decisions over to WHO:
The WHO director-general would be granted the power to “declare pandemics,” at which point emergency provisions of the treaty to impose public-health policies would go into effect….
The WHO would be able to dictate policies if international consensus were not obtained by a vote of the two presidents and four vice presidents of the WHO CA+….
The International Court of Justice would also be granted decisive power….
It would centralize pandemic planning and response into itself….
WHO could also eviscerate existing intellectual-property rights….
The treaty would also allow centralized control over discourse and debate.….
The agreement allows for “provisional” membership pending a nation’s formal ratification, which would seem to mean that the president could sign us up indefinitely without congressional acquiescence.
Such a treaty would be the end of national sovereignty and would transform the WHO from an advisory board into an empowered enforcer of technocratic diktats.
Ominous Words from Tedros
The deal isn’t done yet. As Wesley reported, the politicized science journal Nature worried about “watered-down language in the latest draft of the ‘pandemic treaty’.” Let’s hope the resistance continues.
But the technocrats still have not given up, as they showed at the World Health Assembly. Ominous words from WHO’s director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus:
“Of course, we all wish that we had been able to reach a consensus on the agreement in time for this health assembly and cross the finish line,” Tedros said in opening remarks. “But I remain confident that you still will — because where there is a will, there is a way.”
“It’s now for this World Health Assembly to decide what that way is — meaning the solution is in your hands,” he added. [Emphasis added.]
To me that sounds like a threat. WHO knows they face a narrow time window in case Trump is elected, because he would not sign away national sovereignty, and would resist any plan to impose such a loss on us. I am surprised that Republicans are not making this a big election issue.